Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Panta rei. Everything flows, or rather, everything changes. You cannot step into the same river twice, or so Heraclitus said way back. He was a pretty smart guy. Everything changes, including you.

Because you can't really say that you are the same person, can you? Each and every moment, there is a process going on, the system within is achanging. There's always new information to be balanced, to be taken in, absorbed.

The learning process never ends, nor is the a limit to the knowledge you can take in. With the knowledge, and everything, can you really then say that you are the same person now that you were minutes ago? Or is there a core deep down inside you where you can always be yourself, a core which doesn't get rocked by the influx of information, of knowledge.

Everything changes. In a world of changes, what can you then trust, believe in? Religions change, politics change, humans change. What can you really trust to be there, in the end?

The beauty of a sunset, the flow of the written word. The trill of the birds in the morning, the joy of being alive. The little things that we do not appreciate enough. We really should.

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