Monday, November 19, 2007

On a so-so day

I am just so tired. Don't know why really, since I did sleep for a good 8 hours last night, but here I am, falling asleep at the keyboard. I am also hurting, since it seems like my herpes is blossoming up - meaning that half my mouth feels all swollen and achy and eating anything hard is out of the question. Unfortunately, herpes also means that I am likely having a cold on the way, the lil bugger only bothers to pop up whenever he has company. Misery loves company, perhaps?

Well, there is plenty of it, too. We might have sold the house, which perhaps isn't misery, but it also means that we have to move out. Now, the house where my parents are gonna live is in the north of Sweden, say...800 kilometres to the north, and they are still working on putting it into a condition where you can actually live in it. Dad found a lot of water damage in one of the bathrooms only last week - so it will have to be redone. (Though, insurance company will pay for it). Also, the kitchen needs to be redone, and all those things have been ordered. It's just that they are to be delivered at December 17th.

Then add the chaos that is here, with furniture, what's left of boxes, the fact that I still haven't got a job and am getting pretty damned desperate. And feeling depressed too, since I have been looking for a job since March, and been on several work interviews. It plain sucks, and those thoughts do not go well with the misery of feeling that I am getting sick, too. Ow.

Also, holidays coming up. I love Christmas, I really really do, and this year it feels like everything is chaos, and nothing is turning out to be what it usually is. I money for presents, and then the family is spread out, and it is quite possible that we will not have a kitchen for Christmas. And I really really dislike moving north, cause it is a helluva lot colder there, and I am already freezing. And we're still staying above zero degrees Celsius.

So, tell me that this is going to be fine, or I am gonna slip into bed, and not come out of til January. February. Oh hell, maybe even March.


HoneyD said...

it will all work out and be fine ~hugs~

Pensive said...

Oh babes.. hang in there.. I know that's so much easier said than done, but remember the positives that offset the negatives.. and I know you're probably sick of me telling you that, but if we didn't believe it, look where we'd be?!

I love you!!!

Jennifer W said...

*hugs and snuggles Hipp all up*

I know what chaos feels like. You've got lots of loves and snugglies from me to help you get through them!

Kelly said...

come to New Zealand and bask in the warmth of my house. I'll look after you. You just bring some candy.