Wednesday, January 30, 2008


What time is it

What are you most afraid of?
Losing family members, that I will never get a job, that I am not going to lose the weight put on

What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a Theater
Christ. No, that was not the most recent I think it was the Narnia one?

Place of birth

Favorite food

What's your natural hair color
Medium blonde

Ever been to Alaska

Ever been toilet paper rolling

Love someone so much it made you cry
Hell yes.

Been in a car accident
Dinged the car? Yes. In an accident with another car? No.

Croutons or bacon bits

Favorite day of the week

Favorite restaurant
Don't have one?

Favorite Flower
Sunflowers, anemones, gerbera

Favorite sport to watch

Favorite drink
Red wine? Or Coke. Even though I am not allowed to drink it any more.

Favorite ice cream
Plain vanilla from Sia Glass in Falkenberg!

Disney or Warner Brothers

Ever been on a ship
Ferries, yes. And small sailing boats.

What color is your bedroom carpet
Don't have a carpet in my bedroom - it's hardwood floor?

How many times did you fail your driver's test

Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail
Eh. From someone wanting to buy school books from me?

What do you do when you are bored


Who will respond to this meme the quickest
Bah. Who reads my blog?

Who is the person least likely to respond
See above answer.

Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses
See above answer, again. And because I am not reading enough blogs myself.

Favorite TV show
Pushing Daisies, CSI, Xena...and the list goes on.

Last person you went to dinner with
My parents.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Considering that I haven't had a vacation in years...anything warm works for me.

What are your favorite colors

How many tattoos do you have

How many pets do you have
A cat and a dog. And yes, I do consider them mine cause it's me they go to.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg
Um. The...cell?

What do you want to do before you die?
Now that is a long list. Not to be posted here, cause the blog will die.

Have you ever been to Hawaii

Have you been to countries outside the U.S.
LOL. Yes, I live in one. Apart from Sweden - UK, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Tunisia.

Type the first word that comes to mind.


Jennifer W said...

I read your blog! I do I do!

Pensive said...

You know I do

HoneyD said...

I do too!!