Thursday, November 01, 2007

A new month

It is November 1st, and I cannot believe how fast the year has gone by. How can it be November already, when it was June and July just moments ago? Some times, I think someone pushes the fast forward button when I ain't looking. And hey, it is my life, and therefore, really unfair that I don't get to push that button!

Beginning of November means that I also signed up to do the NaNoWriMo. ( Which doesn't make sense at all if you are looking at it - but essentially, I signed up to write 50 k words in a month. I totally blame chloe for getting me into this. She started with a whopping 5 k - I am up to...almost 200 words. Yay me. Problem is really, that I started out, all decided to write a fantasy novel of sorts. Yeah, but when I started typing it out, somehow, it transformed into something else, and it is not really all clear on what the hell this one is. It might be a chick lit with fantasy elements...hmm. Yeah.

Either way, I have to finish all my other usual start of the month business, so I can actually sit down and do this! Mmmyeah. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I should have gone with the whole blogging thing instead.


Pensive said...

I'm behind you all the way, babes.. and knowing you, regardless of what you write, it will rock!.. would love to see snippets now and then.. -nods and hugs-.. Love You!

Kelly said...

yeah me too! I totally want to read what you're writing about! xx

HoneyD said...

me three!! I love chick lit - I can't wait to read it

Hippolyta said...

Thank you,'s so nice to know that I have a sound cheer squad behind me!

Jennifer W said...

Chloe wrote all through the night the first night, forgoing sleep to get that number. Ugh.

*Hugs and snuggles you* I bet yours will be outstanding, Ms Hipp! and you're MORE than welcome to blame me for dragging you into this!

Mary Dawn said...

ooh, i wanna read it too