Truth is, I must be more than a little crazy to sign up to do NaNoWriMo this year. Well, actually, I must be more than a little crazy to sign up, start writing, and then realize that nope, this is not working, so I will switch my entire story to something else on day 5. Which I did, and now I am now running behind in keeping up with the word count, but hey, it is the weekend, and my Muse might kick in.
On top of that, I just have to keep up with everything else. Work is being really uninspiring at the moment, as I finished one project and am now between projects meaning that I get to do a little thing here and a little thing there. Still, it would not have been all that bad, if it had not been for the working conditions that keep getting worse. And no, Internet, we are not talking about the physical working conditions (cause they managed to turn on the heat finally, after just a week or two of testers complaining about freezing their asses off), we are talking about all the policies that the company is currently enforcing. Written warnings for arriving late (sure, it is understandable, but noone gives a shit about you staying a few minutes late after work to make sure that you have everything in order) and now, the 20 minutes of talk allowed between testers.
Atop of that, dear readers, we also have the admin staff telling us to act professionally and arrive on time and so on. But is it really professional to stand by the screen where we punch in and say to people "you are late"? No, it smells of kindergarten, and that, my friends, is just
Gah. Oh well, at least I can now disappear into my own fictional world and think about something else to calm down and relax. Who knows, maybe frustration will make me write 50 000 words this year.
1 comment:
Hey, don’t let them make you go nuts – LOL – Right now what I want to believe is that Enzyme is the best place in the world to be working (but I know that a perfect work environment is impossible to find. There is always something or someone to annoy you with nonsense). And don’t even tell me about that extra time you stay after work to set things for the next day or even to compensate some minutes if you were late…this extra time you stay in the office are never seen for the same people that tells you: “you are late”. These people, somehow, are unable to see any extra efforts you do for the company.
Enough of this…anyways, I hope you are doing fine…
Take care
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