Saturday, January 19, 2008

I've been tagged...

Ok, I was tagged by Rachel, but seeing as how she tagged all the people I know, I am not tagging anyone else.

7 random or weird facts about me:

1. I am a frozen kind of person. I can freeze when it is 25 degrees Celsius outside, and I definitely do it now when it is around 1 - 2 degrees outside. Brr.

2. I own too many books. Now, that is not something you would have expected to hear from me, but after lugging the damned boxes around, I have definitely come to the conclusion that I own too many books. Not that I would throw any away, though. Oh no!

3. I believe in....a lot of things, come to think of it. I do believe in karma, I do believe in a female and male aspect of the Power Above. Eh. Let's just call me a pagan, without any real practice done.

4. I have been living out of boxes since...April last year. Do you know how utterly depressing it is to not even have your clothes unpacked? Very depressing.

5. My name is mentioned in the dedication of a printed, well-selling book. Livets Källa by Saga Borg. (I won a naming contest on that author(s) website, and got a signed copy of one of their books, but as I found out when I bought this one - My name is in it!

6. I hate writing tutorials. I have been doing that for the last couple of days, and it is very annoying to have to think so much, be so specific and careful and - ohyeah. I am writing tutorials for a tutor program in graphic design. Perhaps should have said that.

7. I am in a relationship with a man I met on the Net, and still haven't met outside of it. This will be four years.

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