Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

...is a rather grand way of starting off the new year, but well, I have to make it official somehow, somewhere - so I might actually have to follow these resolutions, no? I don't think I have actually ever made a resolution, either. Mainly because I rather think that it is ridiculous to think that a promise made in the beginning of the year would be more...than one made a little later. Or maybe it is the whole hysteria around new year's resolutions. Either way, I have made two.

#1 I will try to write everyday.
I want to write, I need to write, I love to write. But it gets pushed back, and that way, I will never get anywhere with my writing, either. So I need to write everyday - no set limit, but try to make it at least five mins everyday. At least!

#2 I will try to be healthier.
Which means I should walk every day, lose weight, and probably get to bed a lot more earlier than I do. Well, the last one is gonna fail miserably, but I am going to lose weight, and walk everyday. I am, I am, I am.

So, Internet, there you have it. My resolutions for the new year, and lo and behold, I am already being a good girl and working on the first one. Yay me!

1 comment:

Pensive said...

Smart and practical.. -winks-

I surely hope 2008 will be all you hope for and more, darling.. -nods and hugs you tight-